Survivors here we are, right at the end of February. The team has been working non stop to bring you all one of the most requested updates for Rust Console Edition - Offshore Blowout!

In case you didn't watch the trailer released yesterday, here’s a recap of all the new features that are going to be implemented in game with this patch:   

  • Two of the most requested monuments are being added to the game. Depending on the server you play in, you will have the chance to have the Small or Large Oil Rig available in it. Some servers might even have both! 

  • A new NPC, the Heavy Scientist, is being added. This new NPC is much more challenging than the regular scientists and you and your squad will have to face them, if you plan to complete the Oil Rig event and run away with the loot. 

  • A new weapon is also being added, the Multiple Grenade Launcher! This weapon has a low chance of dropping from the Heavy Scientists aboard the Oil Rig, and in the right hands it will cause immense destruction. Don’t forget to aim ABOVE your target.

  • And finally, all backpacks now float in the ocean. This means that in those intense fights in the open sea, you will be able to loot your opponents and get some extra resources that can be crucial on your journey. 

We will also have a new Skin Rotation available with the update, and some fixes to improve the experience with Rust Console Edition. Here’s the first look at the skins!

Patch 1.30 will be available to download Thursday morning 11AM UTC, and the new content will be available following the monthly wipe at 6PM UTC. Monthly servers will not get a BP wipe. 

What’s next? 

The team is still finalising the next content update, and more information will be made available to the Testing Branch participants once we are ready to reveal what that update will be. At the moment there’s some considerations to be made, but we plan to release something new for the Testing Branch in March. 

What about Community Servers?

Community Servers are one of the most requested features from you, and rest assured they are being worked on as we speak! We do have some new information to share. While the server team has been progressing on optimising memory usage, our design team has been planning a new UI for creating and managing a server within the game. Bear with us, there's still more work to be done until this feature is ready. Rest assured though, this is a priority for us.

That’s all we have to share for the month of February. Special thanks to everyone who participated in our playtest earlier this month, your feedback helped us a lot in measuring the impact the Oil Rigs will have in-game, and we expect great results with the release of Offshore Blowout! 

Hope you all have a great wipe. See you at the beach survivors.


Update 1.30 Patch Notes


Update 1.24 Patch Notes [HOTFIX]