Get ready for the much-anticipated HORSEPOCALYPSE update, as it's right around the corner! Exciting times lie ahead as this content update gives you the possibility of horseback riding and much more. Prepare to discover new safe zones, immerse yourself in engaging NPC missions, and experience new quality of life improvements, including the ability to farm road signs and some new restructures to monuments you already know and love. This update stands as one of the most requested additions, and we're absolutely thrilled to finally be able to bring it to all of you.

Let us present a quick guide on how to acquire and interact with your first horse!



Horse riding adds a speedy twist to moving around the island. Before you dive into this novel adventure, you will need to get yourself a horse. You might come upon one while they're out and about in the wilderness and the good news is that they come prepared with a Saddle, making it a breeze to hop on and ride without delay. However, coming across wild horses is extremely rare. Your best chance for securing a trusty four-legged sidekick is to head to the newly added safe zones!

Once here, just track down the local trader. He's all smiles and ready to swap your hard earned scrap for essential horse gear. If you're aiming to ride solo, a regular Saddle is the way to go, but if you're thinking of sharing the ride with a pal, opt for the Double Saddle. Grab one from the trader, then make your way over to the stable.

With your saddle all set, it's decision time! The stable offers a lineup of up to six horses to pick from. Horses can have different  breeds with their own unique qualities. Some are speed demons, while others are tough with more health points, making them trickier to bring down. Not only do these breeds perform differently, but they also sport their own distinct looks. Find the one that catches your eye and suits your playstyle the best, then secure it as yours by slipping that saddle onto it.

If in doubt, interact with the horses to see their breed, speed, health and stamina. Then, go with the most viable option! 

Now that you've got your own trusty companion, a few key pointers should stay in mind. First and foremost, horses rely on your care and if they go hungry, they won't last long. Also, they need a secure place either inside your base or nearby to stay safe from sneaky survivors trying to snatch them in the darkness. Our suggestion? Build a cosy shelter with a Hitch & Trough. That way, your horse can eat away whenever hunger strikes. Just remember, you'll need to refill the food in the Hitch & Trough now and then to keep your horse's belly happy. The beauty of it all is that horses aren't fussy eaters and they'll happily munch on pretty much anything you offer them.


Another big aspect to remember about horses is their stamina. These creatures are super quick and can hit seriously high speeds, but it's crucial to watch their stamina level. If they get too tired out, they can end up fading away. To recharge their energy, all you gotta do is ease off the sprints, give them a little break, and their stamina will bounce back. And hey, if you toss them some snacks, their recovery process will speed up even more.

When inspecting your horse you will notice that they have four equipment slots. These slots are for equipment like horse shoes, which speed up your horse, horse armour that makes it a bit slower but more durable during fights, and saddle bags. The saddle bags act as a “mini” chest, allowing your horse to carry resources for you. It’s a great way to optimise your resource gathering and make the process somewhat faster. 

Now that you know how to get and take care of your horse, it's time to explore all the other content and features coming with this update!



The HORSEPOCALYPSE update also brings in NPC missions. There are a total of 4 characters waiting for you in some of the island safe zones. On top of providing great rewards from completing their repeatable missions, the NPC’s are also a great way to get familiarised with some of the game concepts like hunting/fishing for food, and gathering resources efficiently for your base. You will also spot a new underwater threat lurking around, and that’s because you will need to hunt them for one of the missions. Be sure to get an Speargun and let the games begin!

Find the following NPC’s in the designated safe zones, and see if you have what it takes to complete their requests!

  • Lumberjack - Bandit Camp

  • Hunter - Stables

  • Dive Master - Fishing Village

  • Fisherman - Fishing Village



The final standout in the HORSEPOCALYPSE update is the introduction of farmable Road Signs and the restructure of some of the  monuments in game.

Farmable road signs address one of the most frequent player requests for RUST Console Edition, and we're excited to finally bring this to you. With this update, players can now use just about any tool to break down Road Signs as they come across on the roads. By doing so, you'll get a pipe and some other crafting bits as a reward. Just remember that going after road signs with tools can put a lot of strain on them and eventually break them.

Turning to the monument restructure, you might spot some changes or different setups in certain monuments throughout the game. This tweak is aimed at aligning them more closely with the STEAM version. The monument that has undergone the most significant transformation is the Satellite Dish, so get ready to dive into this fresh layout and enjoy the new experience!

This update also comes with a bunch of cool new skins that fit the theme, even introducing a “special” pack that you won't find in the skin store ever again. We're super pumped for you to dive into the HORSEPOCALYPSE update. We've poured our hearts into this, and we're really proud of what we've done. Our hope is that it'll add a bunch of extra fun to your RUST Console Edition experience. Don't forget to share your thoughts with us on Twitter and Discord.

- See you in the island survivors


Patch Notes 1.80


Patch 1.73